72 year old female patient with high blood sugars
72 year old female with complaints of 1. uncontrolled sugars since 3 days 2. decreased vision in right eye since 1 year HISTORY OF PRESENTING ILLNESS: Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 year ago, then she developed diminision of vision of right eye which was insidious in onset and gradually progressive for which she came to the hospital and was admitted for cataract surgery On routine investigations her GRBS was found to be high ( 279 mg/dl) Past history: N/K/C/O DM/HTN/ASTMA/THYROID/CAD Left eye operated for cataract 2 years ago Personal history : Married Appetite normal Bowel and bladder regular No known allergies No addictions Family history: Not significant On examination: Patient is conscious/coherent/ cooperative No pallor /icterus/cyanosis/clubbing/lymphadenopathy BP -120/90mmhg PR-78BPM RR-16CPM SPO2-98 ON RA GRBS-121 mg /dl on admission Systemic examination: CVS - S1 S2 heard CNS- NAD RS- BAE...